Welcome to gorpy’s documentation!

gorpy: Good Old Regex and Python

This is a grep/sed/ls/renaming tool for Python 3.6-3.11 that includes:
  • piping syntax,

  • a built-in jsonpath implementation for searching and manipulating JSON/YAML documents, comparable to jsonpath_ng in power and extensibility.

  • Text extraction from PDF’s and Word documents

  • support for XPath and CSS selectors to filter HTML and XML documents

  • automatically opening all files found if desired (-p option)

  • and much more

It can be conveniently used via the command line, through an interactive prompt,

or programmatically using a gorp.readfiles.GorpSession object.

Wait: yet another grep tool? Didn’t we already have enough of those?

Yes, no doubt. For sed-type tasks, you’re probably better off using the Unix

standard grep or something similar. I personally will continue using Notepad++ to edit my text files most of the time.

For renaming and finding files, I will usually stick to the Windows File Explorer.

I envision gorpy being most useful as a tool for editing JSON and YAML based on

the strength of the jsonpath module.

I also find the ability to automatically open files found convenient.


This project is under active development.

Features to be added soon:

  • a “tab” option for reading in tabular files (e.g. csv) and Excel documents as pandas DataFrames
    • you could use the same jsonpath query language to manipulate and filter these DataFrames just like JSON and YAML documents

Table of Contents

Indices and tables